Thanks to the support of the following sponsors for making this conference possible!
Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Special Sponsors
Student Poster Session Sponsor

Conference Support

Bronze Sponsors

Sponsorship Information
The American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) is a non-profit multidisciplinary organization that promotes excellence in instruction, research, public service, and practice to further engineering and technology education.
Zone IV, the largest of ASEE’s regional groups, includes three sections: Pacific Northwest (Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and, in Canada, Alberta, British Columbia, and Saskatchewan), Pacific Southwest (Arizona, California, Hawaii, and Nevada), and Rocky Mountain (Colorado, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming).
This year’s Zone IV conference will be hosted in hybrid format by the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada with the theme Impact Through Equity.
What is a Hybrid Conference?
Attendees to the event may attend the conference activities in-person or virtually. Sponsors for the conference may choose to provide an electronic version of their logo for display; for sponsors attending in-person, a physical banner can be displayed at the conference venue according to sponsorship level.
Sponsorship Levels
Platinum Sponsor – $5000 (CDN) / $4000 (USD)
- Opportunity for a short (1-3 min) video presentation prior to the plenary talk
- Dedicated space on the virtual conference platform for promotional content (e.g. an e-poster, video, or text content)
- Option to use your organization’s logo and/or banner as the primary sponsor for one of: Conference dinner, Conference Poster session, or Keynote address
- Option to display your organization’s logo during each technical session introduction (up to half-page width/height)
- Three complementary event registrations
Gold Sponsor – $2500 (CDN) / $2000 (USD)
- Option to use your organization’s logo and/or banner as a primary sponsor of one of the technical sessions
- Dedicated space on the virtual conference platform for promotional content (e.g. an e-poster, video, or text content)
- Option to display your organization’s logo during all other technical session introductions (up to one-quarter-page width/height)
- Two complementary event registrations
Silver Sponsor – $1000 (CDN) / $800 (USD)
- Option to display your organization’s logo during each technical session introduction (up to one-eighth-page width/height)
- One complementary event registration
Bronze Sponsor – $250 (CDN) / $200 (USD)
- Option to display your organization’s logo during each technical session introduction (up to one-sixteenth-page width/height)
Sponsorship Benefits – All Levels
- Promote your organization through conference promotion communication
- Promote your organization to engineering educators within the largest of ASEE’s regional groups
- Give back and support members of the engineering education community
Full sponsorship terms and conditions can be found in the following document: ASEE Zone IV – Sponsorship Terms and Conditions
If you are interested in sponsoring the conference or for more details please contact the conference sponsorship co-chairs Carol Jaeger or Brian Dick